I am jesus christ yahoo answers
I am jesus christ yahoo answers

i am jesus christ yahoo answers

I would also challenge you that if you really want help in overcoming this sin to go to and take the "Way of Purity" course. Fresco of Moses getting water from the rock, by Leopold Bruckner. The worst thing you can do is believe the lies of the enemy that you are alone and unloved and cant be forgiven because this makes you hide your sin and it will just fester and get worse. Symbols of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. Trust me I know exactly what you are going through but God is merciful and if you know His son you are already forgiven and incomprehensibly loved! People make it seem like this is the unspeakable sin and that it is unforgivable or that it is only a guys problem but YOU ARE NOT ALONE and you can overcome this sin in your life and experience victory and healing through Christ! I would really encourage you to talk about this issue with someone that you trust who will not judge you and will help encourage you through overcoming this.

i am jesus christ yahoo answers

I'm a 20 year old girl who has struggled with the same problem for as long as i can remember (like age 4 or 5).

i am jesus christ yahoo answers

368 days later I schlucked and then didn't stop then I've been watching porn ALOT and feeling guilty after, I literally just got done watching & I'm feeling rly bad, I don't remember the last time I even prayed I think it was like a couple yrs ago but I tried a couple nights ago but it's like I feel no connection with god, I try reading the bible but I can't understand ANY of it I rly want to find a bible in plain text that I'm writing right now, anyways please help me out!(12, Female, Christian, Virgin, unable to go to church due to vehicle problems & there's a church 175 miles away & NEEDS HELP!!) the nations of the world for the coming of Jesus Christ through mass media. Ok so I watched alot of p0rn & masturbated at a VERY young age(7) one of my "friends" that was 12 introduced me to it and said that it wasn't wrong and god approved of it, so at age ten I was caught watching it with a friend by my mum as she yelled at us and later that night I asked my mum why she yelled at us and she told me that it's against god and it's a sin so I stopped and made a mental rehab for a year. SonLife Broadcasting Network Christian Television SBN Jimmy Swaggart.

I am jesus christ yahoo answers