Macbeth curse
Macbeth curse

macbeth curse macbeth curse

I mean there is a theater beneath our feet right now, so, I myself, personally don’t say it. I’ll forgive myself if I’m outdoors but we’re sort of under the roof with a theater. We are not inside a theater right now but how far away do we have to be from a Theater venue, before you’ll mention the name of this play.ĭanielle Mages Amato: I don’t really ever say it myself. At a theater company usually the Dramaturg helps with season selection, works to create through the narrative for the TheaterCompany, often a lot of writing, so, lot of different hats.īeth Accomando: And this summer one of the Plays that the Globe is doing is the Scottish Play. They apply that knowledge to the production so that might mean anything from writing production program contents for the production to doing background research for the production for the director, or designers or the actors, to working with a playwrighton a new play to help them structure and shape the show in the way that they want. Usually they are a person who has a background in dramatic literature, theater history. A Dramaturg plays a lot of roles depending on the theater company depending on the production. My father used to say, can you please just write what it is that you do on an index card and so when someone asks me what does your daughter do? I can just pull that out and hand it to them instead of having to try and explain it. Danielle Mages Amato is the literarymanager and Dramaturg at the Old Globeand what you may ask is a Dramaturg?īeth Accomando: So, I don’t think most people know what a Dramaturg is? So can you tell us what you do?ĭanielle Mages Amato: A Dramaturgis the job title without a description. The globe production afforded me an opportunity to speak with some Shakespeare scholars about both the infamous curse connected with the play as well as the approach the current production would be taking. Shakespeare included the witches in part to please King James I. The witches in Polanski’s film even force Macbeth to drink blood before they’ll answer his questions about what the future holds for him. Polanski’s Macbeth is also one of the best film adaptations of the play. Perhaps his real life horrors led to this being his bloodiest film. Macbeth was also Polanski’s first film after the brutal murder of his wife Sharon Tate by the Manson family in 1969. Polanski focuses his film on intimacy between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth with part of the tragedy being Macbeth’s growing isolation from the person he had been closest to. There to meet with Macbeth.”īeth Accomando: That was the opening scene ofRollin Polanski’s Macbeth from 1971 and the weird sisters are burying a hand with a dagger, a harbinger of things to come. Lines from Macbeth: “When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning or in rain. It’s been rumored to contain real witches’ spells which may account for the curse. Many in the theater world are so superstitious that they refused to mention the play’s name inside a theater and instead refer to it as the Scottish Play. I also want to focus the first part of the podcast, on the infamous curse the play bears. I’ll be talking about some of the best film versions of Macbeth as well as the new globe production that runs through July 24th on the outdoor Lowell Davies FestivalStage. Macbeth moves with ferocious energy as it follows Macbeth’s descent into multiple murders. Although Titus Andronicusgives it a run for its money. Macbeth is Shakespeare’s swiftest and possibly bloodiest play.

macbeth curse

Macbeth, is one of the eighteen plays that would likely not exist if it had not been placed in the first folio and what a tragedy that would have been. My justification this time, is that the first folios in San Diego all this month and the Old GlobeTheater’s is mounting a new production for its summer season. I have to confess Macbeth is my favorite Shakespeare play and I’ll take advantage of any opportunity I have to talk about it. Beth Accomando: Welcome back to another edition of the KPBS Cinema Junky Broadcast I’m Beth Accomando.

Macbeth curse